When you get injured in a car accident, it is best to hire a car accident lawyer right away. But, what if you didn’t? What if it has now been weeks, months, or years since […]
Do you really need a car accident lawyer for a vehicle collision that wasn’t your fault? While you might need a lawyer if you caused the accident and received a ticket, it is also important […]
When you need to file a claim after a car crash in Wisconsin, it is important to have an experienced car accident lawyer on your side. Dealing with auto insurance companies is not easy—and, in […]
A drunk driver is a hazard to everyone with whom he or she shares the road in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, despite the obvious risks involved—and despite the fact that driving drunk is illegal under Wisconsin law—far […]
When pursuing compensation after a serious crash, knowing who pays for a car accident settlement is crucial. However, the settlement process can be extremely complex. Without the help of an experienced attorney, you may settle […]
According to the Centers for Disease Control, motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of death for U.S. teens. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) indicates that teen drivers are nearly three times […]
Motor vehicle crashes can be catastrophic, especially when they involve large vehicles such as buses. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), there were over 10,000 buses involved in crashes across the United […]
Even though Wisconsin and many other states in the U.S. have laws in place to prevent distracted driving, it is still a problem. The Wisconsin Department of Transportation reports a distracted driving crash happens somewhere […]
Distracted driving is dangerous behavior and can even be fatal. In 2019, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that over 3,000 people were killed by distracted driving. Many states like Wisconsin have passed […]
Wisconsin, like every other state, has right-of-way laws that govern how motor vehicles move through intersections. These laws, also called the “rules of the road,” help traffic move safely and prevent accidents. Right-of-way laws in […]
Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UI/UIM) coverage is a standard part of your car insurance policy that is required by Wisconsin law. However, there are differences between the two coverages. It can be tricky to understand which coverage […]
If you were injured as a passenger in a Wisconsin traffic crash, you have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost wages and other related damages. In this post, the Madison personal injury […]
Despite efforts to improve intersection crosswalks and expand bike paths, crashes involving motor vehicles and pedestrians or bicyclists remain problematic in Madison. And a recent report from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Traffic Operations and Safety […]
While you might think of motor vehicle accidents being more likely to occur on traffic-packed, narrow urban streets, the opposite is actually true. Despite the prevalence of rush hour traffic, pedestrians, and bicyclists that may […]
Being involved in any motor vehicle accident is frightening, but being pregnant and involved in a car crash can be even more distressing. Car accidents pose unique threats to pregnant women that may not be […]
Aggressive driving, which is also commonly referred to as road rage, encompasses driving behaviors that are motivated by anger, regardless of safety concerns. Some typical kinds of aggressive driving behaviors include tailgating, speeding, failing to […]
Thousands of motor vehicle crashes take place across the U.S. every year, and the state of Wisconsin is no exception. Although you cannot control the behavior and driving habits of other drivers, you can take […]
Serious auto accidents often result in internal injuries to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. The most common types of internal injuries include broken ribs, ruptured spleens, ruptures in the abdomen, generalized internal bleeding, and ruptures to […]
Unfortunately, hit-and-run accidents are a part of American society, and they can be extremely frustrating, especially when the accident caused you property damage and potentially serious injuries. Even worse, you are not likely to have […]
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) monitors snowmobile crashes each year, including all of those that result in fatalities or injuries that require medical treatment by a physician. DNR statistics show that there has […]
Any type of motor vehicle is extremely powerful, which means that a driver who isn’t paying attention, even for just a second, can cause significant damages to other vehicles and to other drivers, passengers, and […]
Many car accidents result in severe injuries, and it is not unusual for pain from the injuries linger for months, or perhaps even permanently. Pain medication, including opioids, can be a part of your daily […]
If you are injured in a motor vehicle accident, you are likely to have many emotions and questions swirling in your mind as you begin to receive treatment for your injuries. Whatever the nature of […]
After being involved in a car accident, you may think that you escaped serious injury and are perfectly fine. In fact, you are so sure that you weren’t injured in the minor car wreck that […]
Rear-end car accidents are some of the most frequent types of car accidents that occur on Wisconsin roadways and on roads nationwide. Injuries resulting from rear-end collisions cost millions per year in medical expenses, rehabilitation […]
Most people are guilty of failing to read the fine print of the contract that they sign when renting a vehicle. If you are driving a leased vehicle and become involved in an accident, however, […]
Following a motor vehicle accident in which you suffer injuries, you may be surprised to find out that the driver who caused the accident doesn’t have insurance. Some statistics indicate that up to 10% of […]
When we hear about a serious accident, we tend to focus on the physical injuries that the victim might suffer, since those tend to require immediate attention. However, all types of catastrophic accidents, from dog […]
Every state has different requirements for the minimum amount of motor vehicle insurance that you need to carry when you own a motor vehicle. Motor vehicle insurance policies cover you as the insured party, your […]
Distracted driving is one of the major causes of motor vehicle crashes involving injuries and fatalities throughout the United States, and Wisconsin is no exception. As many as one in five crashes in Wisconsin involved […]
In a motor vehicle accident, a larger and heavier SUV is likely to sustain far less damage than a small passenger vehicle. This is a simple matter of physics. The lowest death rate by vehicle […]
The SELF-DRIVE Act is bipartisan federal legislation that increases the authority of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to adapt and establish federal safety standards regarding self-driving vehicles. Many companies are currently testing and […]
Wisconsin’s “Move Over Law” helps safeguard law enforcement officers, emergency responders, and other road maintenance workers from harm while they are working on Wisconsin roads. Unfortunately, roadside crashes are the leading cause of death for […]
Neck injuries are one of the most common forms of injuries that result from car accidents. While these injuries may be minor, they also can result in serious medical conditions that may never fully disappear. […]
According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT), there has been an average of 18,600 motor vehicle crashes on Wisconsin roadways during the winter months. These crashes have caused an average of 48 deaths and […]
A recent study by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reveals that speeding-related fatalities were three times higher on local roads than on highways. According to the data collected, high speed limits on rural roads […]
According to data from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, crashes in construction zones have sharply increased in recent years. From 2011 to 2016, there was roughly a 60% increase in the number of car accidents […]
Kars 4 Kids recently launched a courteous driving campaign entitled #DriveHuman. The purpose of the campaign is make roads safer for drivers and passengers by discouraging bad driving behaviors that also are hazardous for everyone […]
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, bigger and heavier vehicles are more protective for passengers than smaller and lighter vehicles. Size and weight are both characteristics of vehicles that affect the force that […]
Wisconsin’s Winter Awareness Week is an annual campaign sponsored by several state agencies to promote safe driving habits throughout winter. Every November, Wisconsin officials share new statistics and useful reminders about the dangerous of winter […]
July 2017 was the deadliest July on record since 2012, with 72 traffic fatalities. It also has been the deadliest month so far in 2017, by far. The month closest to July in terms of […]
Any traffic accident that occurs in the state of Wisconsin and involves injury of a person, $1,000 or more damage to any person’s vehicle or property, or damage of $200 or more to state or […]
Our last post explained the prevalence of speeding on American roadways and how it led to as many deaths as both alcohol-related driving and lack of seatbelt usage. Aside from highlighting the findings of its […]
British insurance company Direct Line has conducted a study showing that over 13 million motorists with impaired vision fail to wear glasses or contact lenses at times when they are driving. Plus, one-fifth of these […]
Injuries and property damage resulting from car accidents can be devastating for an individual and his or her family. Obtaining evidence of liability is essential to getting compensation for your losses from any parties responsible […]
According to AAA data, summertime is the most common time for teenage drivers to become involved in car accidents. During the “100 deadliest days of summer,” which stretch from Memorial Day to Labor Day, more […]
There are a variety of different causes of motor vehicle accidents, some of which are far more common than others. All motor vehicle crashes, no matter what the cause may be, have the potential to […]
After being involved in a motor vehicle accident, it is not uncommon for an insurance adjuster for the other party’s insurance company to call you and want to get your side of the story. If […]
According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), 41 traffic deaths occurred during the month of April 2017 which, coincidentally, is identical to the number of deaths that occurred during the month of April in […]
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation is highlighting its “Zero in Wisconsin Driver Sober” mobile app, which you can download for free here. The app, which is available for download for both Apple and Android devices, […]
After many motor vehicle accidents, a representative or adjuster from the other party’s insurance company contacts you in order to ask you questions about the accident. Individuals often ask whether you really should be talking […]
All too often, drivers who cause accidents simply leave the scene, for various reasons. The driver may be drunk, under the influence of drugs, driving without a driver’s license, or driving without insurance. In many […]
Many individuals believe that they aren’t really injured immediately following an accident, so they don’t seek medical attention right away. Unfortunately, the symptoms of some medical conditions or injuries do not appear until hours or […]
While some accidents are not preventable in any way, others are preventable, if all drivers would follow some simple safety tips. Roadways are full of drivers who engage in risky behaviors, such as cell phone […]
A new study from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety shows that as many as 88% of millennials engaged in at least one risky behavior while driving in the previous 30 days. As a result […]
Drunk driving accidents can be among some of the most catastrophic motor vehicle collisions on Wisconsin roads. These types of accidents often result in catastrophic injuries and even fatalities in some cases. In fact, some […]
One of the most essential elements of a personal injury claim is to determine fault. When there is a motor vehicle accident involving two cars, the number of people that are potentially at fault for […]
While we are just in the midst of completing the first quarter of 2017, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation-Division of Motor Vehicles (WisDOT-DMV) has released preliminary data on fatal traffic crashes for 2016 and year-to-date […]
Car crashes occur on a daily basis in the state of Wisconsin and throughout the United States. Serious injuries and even fatalities can result from these crashes, often when families least expect it. When the […]
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) recently issued a proposed rule that would enable vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication technology on all new light-duty vehicles. This step would allow many different forms of crash avoidance technology, which […]
Negligence is a legal concept that indicates whether a person involved in an accident is at “fault” for the accident. Simply defined, negligence is failing to exercise the care that a reasonable person would use […]
After a car accident occurs in which you suffer property damage or injuries, you have only a certain period of time during which you can file a personal injury lawsuit against any parties who are […]
According to a recent Journal Sentinel article, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is reporting that motor vehicle accidents increased by almost six percent in 2016. There were 588 traffic fatalities in 2016, as compared to […]
According to a Washington Post article, about 1.7 million rear-end collisions occur on U.S. roadways each year. These collisions result in about 1,700 deaths and 500,000 injuries, and constitute about 30% of all traffic accidents, […]
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) notes that although it is not always necessary for an elderly individual to stop driving altogether, there are some unique issues that older drivers should be aware of […]
According to the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital’s National Poll on Children’s Health, while parents report that they place significant restrictions on their teenage drivers, the teens themselves tell a different story. Teenagers report that their […]
A new Danish study presented to the European Academy of Neurology, as recently reported in Science Daily, shows that there is a more effective way to predict the long-term consequences of whiplash syndrome, i.e. subdividing […]
Injured in an accident? Remember these tips! Steps to Take After Car Accident: Call 911 Immediately Find a Safe Spot Gather Information Take Pictures Locate Witnesses Talk to a Car Accident Attorney
The United States is crisscrossed with roads, highways, and interstates. We use them, with the help of our cars, to go just about everywhere: work, the store, to see family, to go on vacation. According […]
Car accidents occur in many different ways, but some are more likely than others to generate personal injury claims. First, a traffic accident that leads to a personal injury claim often involves two or more […]
When a car crash occurs, you always must determine who is at fault for the crash. Fault is relevant in a number of ways, but is particularly relevant in a case that involves property damage […]
Unfortunately, motor vehicle accidents are all too common in the state of Wisconsin. According to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT), there were over 119,000 crashes in the state of Wisconsin in 2014. 451 of […]
It can be frightening to be involved in any type of car accident, even if there is little damage to the vehicles involved and you do not appear to be injured. When an accident occurs, […]
According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, distracted driving has become an epidemic throughout America, causing many needless deaths and injuries. In 2013, the most recent year for which statistics are available, over 3,000 people […]
If you’ve gone on vacation or out of town for a business, chances are you’ve rented car. Rental cars are more convenient than taxis or calling an Uber every time you need to go somewhere. That’s […]
As winter sets in the roads in Wisconsin will become more icy and dangerous. It is important to be as safe as possibly while driving this winter. Here are a few great driving tips for […]
The greatest cost of car accidents is human lives, and motor vehicle crashes continue to claim an average of more than 35,000 lives each year, according to figures from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration […]
Being in a car accident or suffering any auto injuries is incredibly stressful. Not only do you need to deal with who or what is at fault, you may be physically injured and have major medical bills, […]
Summer is approaching! Typically, that means more road trips, traffic and driving over the start of summer with Memorial Day weekend, the 4th of July, and the last ‘hurrah’ of Labor Day. With more roadtrips […]
If you have ever been in an automobile accident where there is a rear end crash, then you know that whiplash can be a very real result. Whiplash occurs when there is severe strain or […]
While it may be amusing to hear stories about how Wisconsin residents have found that cheese is being spread on the roads, along with traditional road salt, icy or freezing roads are really no joke […]
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We live in Friendship, Wisconsin, and Boller & Vaughan came to our doorstep to discuss our mother’s wrongful death claim on a Saturday morning. Not only were we pleased with the large recovery, we were so thankful to have lawyers who were willing to explain to us every twist and turn along the way. It is great to know there is a law firm that will fight for the rights of elderly people all over Wisconsin.
Mr. Boller and Ms. Vaughan were incredible in working on my case and my daughter’s case. I was out of work and in the hospital with a new baby. Mr. Boller and Ms. Vaughan protected our rights and it was a pleasure to work with them. I hope never to be in another motor vehicle accident, however, if I am and I am injured, I will contact Boller & Vaughan immediately.
I was referred to Michelle through a friend. I have never had a better experience. It took a little over a year to get my settlement but the staff there stayed in constant contact and kept me in the loop. Oh, and Michelle actually got me MORE money than we discussed. I will refer anyone to this firm. Words cannot do justice the thanks that I have for Michelle and her staff (Mary especially) thank you guys so much!
After my husband died as a result of a motor vehicle accident, Boller & Vaughan spent countless hours talking with me, meeting with me in person, and making sure that I was okay. The drunk driver who hit us did not have any insurance, and we had to make a claim through our own insurance. Boller & Vaughan was fantastic at explaining the law to me and the handling of our claims.
After my son was injured in a daycare setting, Ms. Vaughan took the time to thoroughly investigate our case and my son’s injuries. Michele was approachable and had answers to our questions. Talking with her helped to relieve many of our anxieties.