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Boller & Vaughan Madison, WI personal injury lawyers

The Dangers of Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving, which is also commonly referred to as road rage, encompasses driving behaviors that are motivated by anger, regardless of safety concerns. Some typical kinds of aggressive driving behaviors include tailgating, speeding, failing to use turn signals, flashing headlights, weaving through traffic, and cutting off other drivers. Aggressive drivers also tend to curse and make obscene gestures toward other drivers. Over the past 20 years, aggressive driving has proved to be cause of many serious motor vehicle crashes.

In some situations, aggressive driving escalates to road rage, which involves violence and intimidation through driving behaviors. For example, you may use your vehicle as a weapon in an effort to harm others, or otherwise try to violently hurt someone, either while you are inside or outside of your vehicle. Road rage often occurs when a driver is interrupted as he or she is trying to get from Point A to Point B, perhaps by a slower driver, construction zone, or another traffic accident.

Some people are more prone to aggressive driving than others, including those who have antisocial or competitive personalities. Environmental and situational factors also can lead to an increased risk of aggressive driving. For instance, factors such as heat, noise, or rush hour traffic all can exacerbate an aggressive driving situation. Drug or alcohol usage also can make a driver more prone to aggressive driving behaviors.

Aggressive driving is only one type of situation that can lead to motor vehicles accidents that result in injuries to another. Whatever the case may be, however, you need advice and counsel from an experienced lawyer who can determine your options, based on your situation, and help you make the decisions in your case that are best for you and your family. The Madison personal injury attorneys of Boller & Vaughan handle personal injury cases on a daily basis, and we know what it takes to get the compensation that you need. Take the first step and call our office today to set up your free consultation with one of our Wisconsin auto accident lawyers.