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Three Times More Deaths Occur on Suburban Roads Than City Streets

A recent study by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reveals that speeding-related fatalities were three times higher on local roads than on highways. According to the data collected, high speed limits on rural roads and an outdated system for determining those speed limits are the major causes of death in speeding vehicles. The study also found that one of the best ways for combatting speed-related deaths is the use of red-light cameras.

From 2005 to 2012, over 112,000 fatalities occurred as result of speeding. This constitutes 31% of the total traffic deaths during that time period, which is roughly equivalent to the number of alcohol-related deaths and deaths due to not wearing seatbelts during the same period. Sixty-four percent (64%) of the fatalities were the speeding drivers. Another 20% of those fatalities were passengers. In injuries stemming from speed-related traffic fatalities, 40% of those injured were drivers or passengers of non-speeding vehicles, pedestrians, or bicyclists.

A large majority of survey respondents stated that everyone should obey the speed limit. A study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) also showed that 87% of respondents thought that exceeding the speed limit by 20 mph was unacceptable. However, 27% of the same respondents said that they speed without even realizing that they are doing so.

Conversely, 45% of survey respondents to a survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety said that they had exceeded the speed limit in the last week. Another 42% of respondents thought that driving at or around the speed limit made it difficult to keep up with traffic. When these statistics are considered along with the fact that the penalties for speeding are not very serious, it is no wonder that traffic deaths from speeding continue to occur.

When any type of vehicle accident occurs as a result of a driver’s negligence, and causes injury to you or your loved one, you may have a claim for damages under Wisconsin law. However, there are strict time limits on personal injury claims in the state of Wisconsin, and you can lose your right to compensation if you do not consult an experienced lawyer in time. Don’t delay in contacting the Madison personal injury attorneys of Boller & Vaughan, and set up your free consultation today.