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Evaluating Long-Term Care Services in Wisconsin

Several organizations collaborated to produce the Long-Term Services & Supports State Scorecard (LTSS), which essentially assigns ratings to each state based on the quality of long-term care services. The goal of the scorecard is to measure progress, identify areas of concern, and make improvements for everyone receiving these services. According to the report, LTSS involves five factors:

  • Affordability and Access
  • Choice of Setting and Provider
  • Quality of Life and Quality of Care
  • Support for Family Caregivers
  • Effective Transitions

The state of Wisconsin scored very high in this evaluation, with its scores being in the top quarter or second quarter in all five areas listed above. Overall, Wisconsin ranked sixth in the nation as providing quality LTSS.

Progress for states in improving LTSS has been slow and not altogether steady. At the end of the day, middle-income families still cannot afford the long-term care that they need, and most adults have no long-term care insurance. Most states made no meaningful progress, or 10% or more change in scores, over the last two to four years, although most states did make significant progress with respect to as least one of the five measures.

Holding long-term care facilities to certain standards is crucial, as there are many different types of abuse or neglect that can occur to residents in receiving long-term care, whether it is in nursing home or residential care facilities. The Wisconsin elder abuse lawyers of Boller & Vaughan have handled countless claims on behalf of nursing home residents who have suffered serious injuries and even death due to the negligent behavior of nursing home staff and facilities, regardless of the type of abuse or neglect involved. When a serious injury or death of a loved one occurs, we know just how devastating it can be, and how powerless you are likely to feel as a result. Allow your family to begin the healing process from this traumatic event by holding the wrongdoers responsible for your loved one’s injuries. Contact our office today and set up a free consultation with one of our experienced nursing home abuse attorneys.