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How Much Will I Get From My Personal Injury Claim?

The value of your personal injury claim will vary dramatically based on the circumstances surrounding your case and the severity and duration of the injuries that you received. Simply put, not all cases are the same. The amount that a jury may award in one case is not always consistent with what a jury may award in another case. As a result, it is impossible for any personal injury attorney to do anything other than roughly estimate what your personal injury claim may be worth.

Another major factor that directly impacts the value of a personal injury claim is the strength of the evidence in your case. There is rarely a clear-cut personal injury claim; there is often a question about the extent of the negligence of the person who caused the accident, whether more than one individual bears any fault for the accident, and even if the person is responsible for the accident at all. With so many details and factors that can diminish the value of a personal injury claim, it is essential that you obtain the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney to help you determine the best avenue of relief in your case.

When any type of accident occurs as a result of someone’s negligence, and injuries result, the injured individual may have a claim for damages against the negligent person under Wisconsin law. The value of your claim, however, can vary substantially from one case to the next. The reality is that a multimillion dollar settlement of a personal injury case is rather rare, and constitutes only a tiny fraction of the many personal injury settlements that occur each year. Plus, very high personal injury settlements tend to be limited to cases with extremely severe and permanent injuries. In any case, you always should keep in mind that there are strict time limits on personal injury claims in the state of Wisconsin, and you can lose your right to compensation if you do not consult an experienced lawyer and take action prior to those time limits. You should never delay in contacting the Madison personal injury attorneys of Boller & Vaughan, and set up your free consultation today.