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Aging Demographics in Wisconsin

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the median age for individuals in the state of Wisconsin is 38.5, which is an increase from the median age of 36, based on previous census figures. Over 20% of the population of the state of Wisconsin is over the age of 60, another 14.4% is over the age of 65, 6.7% of individuals are over the age of 75, and 2.1% of individuals are over the age of 85. Of the approximately 5.7 million individuals residing in the state of Wisconsin, then, over 1.1 million of those individuals are 60 years or older. This translates into over 730,000 households that contain at least one individual who is over 60 years of age. Moreover, some 823,000 individuals who are over the age of 65 live at home alone. Clearly, these statistics show that our population is aging, and a very large number of people in the state of Wisconsin are senior citizens.

The aging demographics of Wisconsin has caused a number of issues that uniquely face older Americans to become increasingly relevant in our society. Poverty is one such issue, as 7.7% of all individuals who are over the age of 65, or roughly 61,000 people, live in poverty in the state of Wisconsin. Only about 15% of the individuals who are aged 65 or older are employed. As Wisconsin residents age, the nursing home and assisted living facility populations also increase, which results in an increased risk of abuse and neglect to older Americans, as well as an increase in the incidence of financial exploitation.

At Boller & Vaughan, we are dedicated to serving the needs and protecting the rights of older individuals who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and other long-term care facilities. We will aggressively investigate the facts and circumstances surrounding any allegations of abuse or neglect that occurs in such a facility, determine your options, and assist you in developing the most appropriate course of action for you and your family. Call the Wisconsin nursing home abuse attorneys of Boller & Vaughan today, and learn how we can help.