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What is the Burden of Proof in Personal Injury Cases?

Personal injury cases can be very complicated legal matters, which is why you need an experienced Wisconsin personal injury lawyer to help you navigate every step of your claim. Your burden of proof is different than in a criminal case. You don’t need to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt. Rather, In order to prevail in your personal injury claim, you must prove that an individual’s actions “more likely than not” contributed to your injuries. This means that there is a 51% or greater chance that your claims are true.

All too often, big insurance companies attempt to thwart the efforts of seriously injured accident victims to obtain compensation for their losses. Their only goal is to avoid a big payout at all costs. This can be a highly traumatizing process for individuals whose lives already have been devastated by the aftereffects of an accident that resulted in serious injuries. It is precisely this type of situation where we can help.

When you suffer serious injuries at the hands of a negligent individual, no matter what the circumstances may be, you have a right to recover damages, including compensation for the costs of surgery, hospitalization, physical therapy, and any continuing medical treatment that you might need. Despite the evidence in your favor, however, the insurance company of the responsible party will fight you at every turn. This is why you need a strong, aggressive, personal injury attorney who can help you build the strongest case possible in your favor. With sufficient evidence of negligence, you will prevail on your personal injury claim. Your attorney also will present evidence of the damages and/or injuries that you suffered as a result of the accident, which is what will help you receive the appropriate amount of compensation.

When you or a family member suffers serious injuries from a motor vehicle crash or any other type of accident, and another’s negligence caused the accident, you may have a personal injury claim under Wisconsin law. Call Boller & Vaughan today at (608) 268-0268, or contact us online at in order to set up an appointment with one of our Wisconsin personal injury attorneys, and see what we can do for you.