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Five Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Injury Cases

Many people have the same sorts of questions about personal injury cases after they or a family member have been involved in a car crash. We hope that providing the answers to the frequently asked questions below will assist you in learning about personal injury claims in the state of Wisconsin.

  • Should I Hire a Wisconsin Personal Injury Lawyer?

Whether to pursue a potential personal injury claim is a personal decision that is dependent upon the facts and circumstances surrounding your injuries, as well as the severity of your injuries. When you are injured in any kind of accident at a result of another individual’s negligence, you are likely to receive a call from his or her insurance company fairly quickly, with an offer to settle your case. However, even if the amount of the offer sounds good to you, you owe it to yourself and your family to ensure that you are getting the maximum compensation to which you are entitled. This is why it is essential that you contact an experienced Wisconsin personal injury as quickly as possible following your accident.

  • How Does a Personal Injury Case Proceed?

After you speak with a personal injury lawyer, he or she will begin gathering all of the necessary facts and evidence about your case. Evidence may include documents such as police reports, photographs of the accident scene, witness statements, medical records, and explanation of benefits from your health insurance and automobile insurance carriers. Your attorney and a representative from the insurance company of the party responsible for the accident may engage in settlement negotiations, and eventually may be able to reach a settlement amount that is acceptable to all parties involved. However, if a fair and just settlement is not possible, we will prepare your case for trial. Whether your trial ends with a jury’s verdict or a judge’s ruling, we will be there to ensure that you are in the best position to get the best monetary award possible.

  • What Does It Cost to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?

Our law firm handles personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don’t have to pay anything up front to hire us. Rather, we don’t get paid unless you get a damages award from your lawsuit. If you do receive a monetary award, we will be paid from a percentage of that award. This arrangement gives us the best incentive to obtain the largest monetary award possible in your case.

  • How Much is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

Every personal injury case is different; results differ based on a variety of different factors, such as the severity of the accident, the circumstances that led to the accident, the degree of fault assigned to each party, and the serious and longevity of your injuries. Until we have reviewed all facts and evidence involved in your case, we cannot give you even an estimate about what your case is worth.

  • What Do I Have to Prove to Get Compensation From My Personal Injury Case?

First, your case must involve negligence, or a lack of reasonable care by another person in taking whatever actions that led to the accident at issue. Next, you must prove that the accident was a cause of or a substantial factor in your injuries. Finally, you must prove that you suffered damages as a result of your injuries, which can be in the tangible form of medical bills or lost wages, or in the intangible form of emotional pain and suffering.

If you believe that you may be entitled to compensation following an accident, you owe it yourself and to your family to look into any potential legal claims that you may have. So many different circumstances can lead to accidents that cause injuries and even death. Don’t allow a possible claim for compensation to go uncollected. Boller & Vaughan are the Wisconsin motor vehicle accident lawyers who dedicate their practice to protecting the interests of the injured and their families. Call our office today to set up your free consultation and learn what options are available to you.