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Boller & Vaughan Madison, WI personal injury lawyers

How Do I Report a Vehicle Crash?

Most people are involved in a vehicle crash at some point in their lives, whether it is a major accident or a minor fender-bender. Regardless of your involvement with the accident at issue, you need to know what to do and how to report a crash.

Clearly, the first step you should take following an accident is to call 911 if anyone appears to be injured in any way. Seeking medical attention for yourself or other persons involved in the accident should always be the first priority. If there are no injuries and a vehicle is blocking the roadway, you also should move the vehicle to the side of the road or out of the way if you can do so safely. If the vehicle is inoperable or cannot safely be moved, simply leave the vehicle where it is.

If law enforcement responds to your accident, an officer is likely to complete the report for you. However, if a police officer is not present at your accident, then you may need to complete the report yourself. You also may receive a letter from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation indicating that you have a reportable crash. If you receive a letter like this, you must complete a crash report.

Under Wisconsin law, any crash that occurs within the state of Wisconsin must be reported if one or more of the following occurs:

  • Anyone is injured
  • There is $1,000 or more in damages to a vehicle or property
  • There is $200 or more in damages to state or other government-owned property, other than a vehicle

In order to complete a crash report, you will need your driver license number, your vehicle identification number (VIN), your social security number, and your vehicle insurance information. If anyone involved in the accident did not have motor vehicle insurance, then there will be additional forms to complete. You can complete a crash report online here by clicking on the license plate that says “START NOW.” Finally, follow the website instructions to complete the form.

When you or a family member suffers serious injuries from a slip and fall or any other type of accident, and another’s negligence caused the accident, you may have a personal injury claim under Wisconsin law. Meeting with a personal injury lawyer is the first step toward getting the compensation that you deserve for the injuries that you have suffered. Call Boller & Vaughan today at (608) 268-0268, or contact us online in order to set up an appointment with one of our Wisconsin personal injury attorneys, and see what we can do for you.