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Boller & Vaughan Madison, WI personal injury lawyers

Is a CBRF Right for Me?

There are a variety of different options for long-term care, which differ primarily according to the level of skilled nursing care that you or your loved one needs, if any. Long-term care facilities can range from skilled nursing care facilities offering 24-hour skilled nursing care to assisted living facilities, which provide very limited skilled nursing care. Whatever your needs may be, when you are looking at long-term care options, you should consider whether a community-based residential facility (CBRF) is right for you.

A CBRF is a facility or home in which five or more unrelated adults over the age of 18 live together in a residential setting. The owner or administrator of the facility is not related to any of the adults residing in the facility. The services provided in a CBRF include room and board, supervision, support services, and up to three hours per week of skilled nursing care. However, CBRF residents should not be in need of more than an intermediate level of skilled nursing care. CBRF residents may include people who are elderly, who have dementia, who have developmental disabilities or mental health conditions, who are physically disabled or have traumatic brain injuries, who have AIDS, who are addicted to alcohol or drugs, who are correctional clients, who are terminally ill, or who are pregnant women in need of counseling.

CBRFs are licensed and overseen by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS). The Division of Quality Assurance (DQA) receives and investigates complaints about all types of long-term care facilities, including CBRFs. For example, if you suspect some sort of abuse or neglect is occurring in a CBRF, you would contact the DQA.

The experienced Wisconsin elder abuse attorneys of Boller & Vaughan are here to help you through the aftermath of any claims related to the abuse that you have suffered at the hands of senior care facilities, including CBRFs. We can look into the circumstances surrounding your situation, assess the circumstances, and evaluate any claims that you may have for damages. We know how to build a strong personal injury claim based on the unique facts of your case. Contact our office today in order to schedule a free initial consultation about any potential claim that you may have.