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Dynamics of Abuse Later in Life

According to the National Clearinghouse on Abuse Later in Life (NCALL), abuse later in life involves a situation in which a person in a position of trust, such as a relative or caregiver, abuses, neglects, abandons, or financially exploits an individual who is aged 50 or older. The perpetrator targets the victim due to his or her age or disability.

Abuse can occur to both men and women later in life, although about two-thirds of victims are female. While a significant amount of abuse later in life is inflicted by a spouse or intimate partner, it also tends to be inflicted by other people charged with caring for the victim, such as family members, caregivers, or fiduciaries. Although some strangers do abuse elderly victims, the far more common scenario involves someone known to the victim.

Similar to abuse cases involving younger victims, there often is a dynamic of power and control between the abuser and his or her victim. The abuser will use coercive tactics, such as intimidation and manipulation, in order to gain some sort of benefit from the victim, financial or otherwise. While caregiver stress may lead to some abusive situations, an individual with a thinking pattern of entitlement and desire for power and control over another more typically leads to abuse of victims in their later lives.

No one is sure how many cases of elder abuse actually occur each year, simply because they are vastly unreported. Victims typically do not report these crimes out of shame and embarrassment. As a result, cases of elder abuse continue to appear.

As the nursing home industry continues to grow with America’s steadily aging population, the quality of care and staff members continues to become of greater concern. All too often, nursing home staff members do not properly care for their residents, which can lead directly to their injuries resulting from abuse or neglect. At Boller & Vaughan, we focus on protecting the rights of those who have suffered neglectful or abusive actions at the hands of caregivers at nursing home facilities. We have the skills and knowledge to delve into the facts your case, consider all available options, and advocate on your behalf by bringing any legal claims that you may have against the nursing home in question, or its staff members. Call your Wisconsin nursing home neglect and abuse attorneys at (608) 268-0268 and schedule your free consultation today.