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Boller & Vaughan Madison, WI personal injury lawyers

Dangers Associated with Commercial Trucks

All types of motor vehicles can be involved in horrific traffic accidents that can cause injuries or even death to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians alike. However, when a commercial motor vehicle such as a large truck in involved in a traffic accident, the results can be absolutely devastating for everyone involved. Due to their large size, commercial trucks simply present a greater chance of other drivers and passengers being seriously injured should an accident occur.

It is primarily the size of commercial trucks that make them particularly dangerous to other motorists. The sheer size of a truck is usually much bigger than that of a regular motor vehicle, even if it is a multi-passenger van or SUV. Due to the size of the truck, truck drivers often have a larger blind spot and more difficulty maneuvering the vehicle around sharp corners and curves while still maintaining the appropriate lane. Truck drivers may have difficulty changing lanes, passing, and braking quickly than the drivers of other vehicles, again, due to the size of the trucks. Furthermore, if a truck is traveling on an interstate highway at a high rate of speed, the impact of such a large vehicle can be catastrophic. The injuries that result from an accident involving a semi-truck can be extremely severe and alter the course of a victim’s life.

As a result of the significant dangers that large trucks pose to the public, the federal government has enacted strict rules and regulations that govern almost all aspects of truck driving, such as rules limiting the number of hours that a trucker can drive consecutively, regulations that require trucking companies to properly and routinely inspect and maintain their vehicles, and rules that set limits on a trucker’s speed, work hours, and drug and alcohol usage before driving.

The Madison truck accident lawyers of Boller & Vaughan devote their time to advocating on behalf of clients who have fallen victim to all types of truck and motor vehicle accidents, whether they are pedestrians, drivers, passengers, or bicyclists. Our job is to seek compensation for you and your family through the applicable legal framework, while you can focus on healing from your injuries and rebuilding your life with your family. Never hesitate to contact our office for legal advice and counsel about your situation, so that we make our experience and knowledge work for you.