phone Call
J.L. v. HIL Apple House, et al.

J.L. v. HIL Apple House, et al.

Forced Arbitration for a Protectively Placed woman who was allowed to develop Stage IV pressure ulcers.  

JL was a lovely 34-year-old disabled woman born with Rhett’s Syndrome who was Protectively Placed in an assisted living facility in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.  Unknowingly, her guardian signed an arbitration agreement and after Boller & Vaughan filed a lawsuit, the guardian was forced to participate in arbitration.  JL’s guardian (also her mother) was intimately involved in JL’s life.  Despite her family’s involvement, neither the family nor primary care physician were told of JL’s bed sores.  

Through Boller & Vaughan’s investigation and discovery in arbitration, it was discovered that JL would sit for hours at a time strapped in her wheelchair on a bus driving to and from her day services program.  

JL’s primary care physician had ordred JL be turned and repositioned every two hours.  Moreover, when records from CBRF were obtained in discovery, it was clear that she was left for hours at a time either upright in her wheelchair and/or not turned or repositioned for up to eight hours at a time.  JL’s bed sores became infected and ultimately developed into Stage IV pressure ulcers.  She was diagnosed with Osteomyelitis.  JL was eventually hospitalized and transferred to another facility where her ulcers healed.  In addition to the settlement, the assisted living facility, now known as MyPath, accepted responsibility for their failures and their President and CEO wrote the family an apology letter. (See attached.) *

JL now has significant funds to ensure proper care for her future.