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Auto Insurance Statistics and Facts

The Insurance Information Institute collects all kinds of data regarding auto insurance throughout the country. For instance, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the average costs of carrying auto insurance in 2013 was $841.23, which is an increase from recent years, but no higher than insurance premiums were in 2004. These figures indicate that premiums for maintaining insurance have remained relatively steady over the years, although there are always some variations based upon the make, model, and age of the insured vehicle and the age, sex, and driving history of the insured driver. Wisconsin has one of the lowest average auto insurance rates in the country, which is $621.05. This average cost is higher than only four other states, which are Indiana, North Carolina, Nebraska, and Wyoming.

At a minimum, Wisconsin residents are required to carry liability insurance on their vehicles. The required liability insurance must include at least $25,000 for one person who sustains injuries in an accident, as well as at least $50,000 for multiple people who sustain injuries in an accident, and $10,000 for property damage that occurs in an accident. Despite these legal requirements, however, many drivers still fail to carry insurance with the required coverage, or to carry insurance at all. In these situations, however, your own insurance policy is likely to cover the bulk of your damages, as underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage often will be a part of your regular coverage.

Dealing with insurance companies following an accident can be frustrating, and may be even more so when the other driver has very limited insurance coverage or no insurance at all. The Madison personal injury attorneys of Boller & Vaughan know that the aftermath of an accident can be very traumatic and difficult for you and your family. Recovering from your injuries can be stressful, emotional, painful, and financially draining for you, and we are here to make it easier on you and your family. If you allow us to take some of the burden of this situation from you and your family by allowing us to handle your personal injury claim, you will have more time and energy to focus on recovering from the injuries that you have suffered. As skilled Wisconsin personal injury attorneys, our goal is to represent your interests from a legal perspective, while you work on getting better.